Apologies for the delay in another edition of bourbon fueled antics. The move went well, and I have sufficiently transformed this ghetto hole into somewhat of an urban fishing/gundog/whiskey-bum... well, hole.
The weather is turning and if you live in the midwest, you might notice an abundance of people standing outside staring up at the sun as if they were waiting for the mothership to beam them aboard. And, if you're lucky enough you might be finding a minute or two to spend on a local river as long as it doesn't look like some wicked Willy Wonka flowage of horror.
It has been an adventure to begin to dissect a new territory of water. While I have not spent as much time putting theory to practice as I'd prefer, I have spent a lot of time riding around in "Porkchop" (my truck) and scoping spots. Alas, my feet are ready to trade shoes for waders a little more often and feel the weight of new currents gripping me like a first handshake- firm, yet light enough to promote a friendly relationship.
It's also the start of the spring field trial season and the sight of post winter, couch surfing, out of shape and out of practice bird dogs is always a welcome sign that winter is letting go. I know Chaps is ready to start our spring conditioning program as he made it perfectly clear in his 15 minute tour of the Clyma compound this morning- a 10 minute vanishing act followed by an unproductive on what appeared to be a deer bed. Oh boy.
Despite the awkward embrace of this season we call spring, those who are seasoned in the transition are still keeping a weather eye. Winter may have walked out the door, but I've found we share the same habit of forgetting our keys, phone, sunglasses, wallet, ect... only on the very rare occasion do we have a clean departure.
What's your favorite sign of spring?
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